DCASE 2018 task 4 results


This page is intended to analyze how DCASE2018 task 4 submissions performed depending on various metrics. This can help understand what made systems work and improve future systems.

If you want more details or use this work please refer to this paper.

All metrics used in this report have been computed with sed_eval.

You can find more information about the task and the results on DCASE website

For each team, we report only the submissions that obtained the best event based F1-score on the evaluation set.

Original metric

Evaluated metric on the task was an Event based measure with a 200ms collar on onsets and a 200ms / 20% of the events length collar on offsets.


Event based vs segment based

Event based Segment based
event_based segment_based

See additional material at the bottom of the page to get results associated with 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 time tolerance.


We now focus on segmentation performance, that is computed using event based metric (without taking the class labels into account).

segmentation_0.1 segmentation_0.2
segmentation_0.5 segmentation_1.0
segmentation_2.0 segmentation_10.0

Duration of events

Duration of events (in the evaluation set):


We can see in this plot we can separate events in groups:

The following plot is showing the performances of systems depending on categories of events:


No system is outperforming others both on short and long events.

Analysis based on event classes

In the following plots, events are classified from the shortest to the longest (shortest on the left). The median duration is taken to make this order

For showing purposes, when dealing with results per class we only show the results of the first 4 systems.

event_per_class segment_per_class

There is a clear separation between Dishes, Cat and Dog and the other events. The difference is less important on the segment based metric because the segmentation is less taken into account.

Onset & Offset


onset_per_class0.1 onset_per_class0.2
onset_per_class0.5 onset_per_class1.0
onset_per_class2.0 onset_per_class10.0


While dealing with offset detection, there is two aspects: the time tolerance, and the percentage of the length of the event. When both of them are defined, the maximum between them is taken. Therefore, in general, the percentage of length tolerance has more impact on long event and the fixed time tolerance has more impact on short events.

Percentage of event length

offset_per_class offset_per_class
offset_per_class offset_per_class
offset_per_class offset_per_class

Time collar

offset_per_class offset_per_class
offset_per_class offset_per_class
offset_per_class offset_per_class


Use of unlabed data


The following chart is extracted from: dcase website (link). It is using js-datatable.

Rank Code Technical
Classifier Ensemble
Avdeeva_ITMO_task4_1 Avdveeva2018 20.1 200242 CRNN, CNN 2 hierarchical
Avdeeva_ITMO_task4_2 Avdveeva2018 19.5 200242 CRNN, CNN 2 hierarchical
Wang_NUDT_task4_1 WangD2018 12.4 24210492 CRNN 3 mean probability
Wang_NUDT_task4_2 WangD2018 12.6 24210492 CRNN 3 mean probability
Wang_NUDT_task4_3 WangD2018 12.0 24210492 CRNN 3 mean probability
Wang_NUDT_task4_4 WangD2018 12.2 24210492 CRNN 3 mean probability
Dinkel_SJTU_task4_1 Dinkel2018 10.4 1781259 HMM-GMM, GRU
Dinkel_SJTU_task4_2 Dinkel2018 10.7 126219 HMM-GMM, CRNN
Dinkel_SJTU_task4_3 Dinkel2018 13.4 126219 HMM-GMM, CRNN
Dinkel_SJTU_task4_4 Dinkel2018 11.2 126090 CRNN
Guo_THU_task4_1 Guo2018 21.3 970644 multi-scale CRNN 2
Guo_THU_task4_2 Guo2018 20.6 970644 multi-scale CRNN 2
Guo_THU_task4_3 Guo2018 19.1 970644 multi-scale CRNN 2
Guo_THU_task4_4 Guo2018 19.0 970644 multi-scale CRNN 2
Harb_TUG_task4_1 Harb2018 19.4 497428 CRNN, VAT
Harb_TUG_task4_2 Harb2018 15.7 497428 CRNN, VAT
Harb_TUG_task4_3 Harb2018 21.6 497428 CRNN, VAT
Hou_BUPT_task4_1 Hou2018 19.6 1166484 CRNN
Hou_BUPT_task4_2 Hou2018 18.9 1166484 CRNN
Hou_BUPT_task4_3 Hou2018 20.9 1166484 CRNN
Hou_BUPT_task4_4 Hou2018 21.1 1166484 CRNN
CANCES_IRIT_task4_1 Cances2018 8.4 126090 CRNN
PELLEGRINI_IRIT_task4_2 Cances2018 16.6 1040724 CNN, CRNN with Multi-Instance Learning
Kothinti_JHU_task4_1 Kothinti2018 20.6 1540854 CRNN, RBM, cRBM, PCA
Kothinti_JHU_task4_2 Kothinti2018 20.9 1540854 CRNN, RBM, cRBM, PCA
Kothinti_JHU_task4_3 Kothinti2018 20.9 1189290 CRNN, RBM, cRBM, PCA
Kothinti_JHU_task4_4 Kothinti2018 22.4 1540854 CRNN, RBM, cRBM, PCA
Koutini_JKU_task4_1 Koutini2018 21.5 126090 CRNN
Koutini_JKU_task4_2 Koutini2018 21.1 126090 CRNN
Koutini_JKU_task4_3 Koutini2018 20.6 126090 CRNN
Koutini_JKU_task4_4 Koutini2018 18.8 126090 CRNN
Liu_USTC_task4_1 Liu2018 27.3 3478026 Capsule-RNN, ensemble 8 dynamic threshold
Liu_USTC_task4_2 Liu2018 28.8 534460 Capsule-RNN, ensemble 2 dynamic threshold
Liu_USTC_task4_3 Liu2018 28.1 4012486 Capsule-RNN, CRNN, ensemble 9 dynamic threshold
Liu_USTC_task4_4 Liu2018 29.9 4012486 Capsule-RNN, CRNN, ensemble 10 dynamic threshold
LJK_PSH_task4_1 Lu2018 24.1 1382246 CRNN 4 mean probabilities
LJK_PSH_task4_2 Lu2018 26.3 1382246 CRNN 2 mean probabilities
LJK_PSH_task4_3 Lu2018 29.5 1382246 CRNN
LJK_PSH_task4_4 Lu2018 32.4 1382246 CRNN
Moon_YONSEI_task4_1 Moon2018 15.9 10902218 GLU, Bi-RNN, ResNet, SENet, Multi-level
Moon_YONSEI_task4_2 Moon2018 14.3 10902218 GLU, Bi-RNN, ResNet, SENet, Multi-level
Raj_IITKGP_task4_1 Raj2018 9.4 215890 CRNN
Lim_ETRI_task4_1 Lim2018 17.1 239338 CRNN
Lim_ETRI_task4_2 Lim2018 18.0 239338 CRNN
Lim_ETRI_task4_3 Lim2018 19.6 239338 CRNN
Lim_ETRI_task4_4 Lim2018 20.4 239338 CRNN
WangJun_BUPT_task4_2 WangJ2018 17.9 1263508 RNN,BGRU,self-attention
DCASE2018 baseline Serizel2018 10.8 126090 CRNN
Baseline_Surrey_task4_1 Kong2018 18.6 4691274 VGGish 8 layer CNN with global max pooling
Baseline_Surrey_task4_2 Kong2018 16.7 4309450 AlexNetish 4 layer CNN with global max pooling
Baseline_Surrey_task4_3 Kong2018 24.0 4691274 VGGish 8 layer CNN with global max pooling, fuse SED and non-SED

Additional material

Micro average

micro_event micro_segment

This illustrates clearly the systems taking advantage of the macro average metric. Most systems succeed better. When a class is short and not enough represented, it is hard to detect it.

Event based vs segment based

Event based Segment based
event_based_0.1 segment_based_0.1
event_based_0.2 segment_based_0.2
event_based_0.5 segment_based_0.5
Nicolas Turpault

Nicolas Turpault

PhD student in ambient sound analysis at Inria Nancy.

Romain Serizel

Romain Serizel

Associate Professor at Université de Lorraine.

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